Mẫu biên bản ghi nhớ hợp tác bằng tiếng Anh

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  • docxmau_bien_ban_ghi_nho_hop_tac_bang_tieng_anh.docx

Nội dung text: Mẫu biên bản ghi nhớ hợp tác bằng tiếng Anh

  1. Logo of partner MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY – UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE, VIETNAM AND NAME OF PARTNER, COUNTRY Here, we are: Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City - University of Science (hereinafter referred to as “VNUHCM-US”) is a national university and located at 227 Nguyen Van Cu St., Ward 4, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh City, 700000, Vietnam, and [Partner’s name] (hereinafter referred to as “Abbreviation”) is a national/public/private university/institute and having its registered office at [Address] In accordance with a mutual desire to promote educational and research opportunities between the two institutions/universities/centers/labs, we agree to sign the MoU as the following articles: Article 1. General form of cooperation Both of VNUHCM-US and [Partner’s name] will encourage direct contact and cooperation between their faculty members and departments, as they are able, and will act as coordinators of contacts with other faculties whenever appropriate. Within fields of mutual collaboration, a general form of cooperation is envisaged as follows: (a) Exchange of graduate and undergraduate students; (b) Exchange of materials, publications and information; (c) Exchange of faculty members for research, lectures, and discussions; (d) Joint research activities; (e) Joint conferences/seminars. The detail of each academic and cooperation activities will be discussed and signed as the Agreements (MoA). 1
  2. Article 2. The period of MoU This MoU will take effect from the date of signing by the representatives of both institutions. This MoU is valid for a period of five (05) years following its date of approval. The validity of the MoU may be extended after mutual consultation. On the occasion of dissolution of the MoU, it is necessary for one university to provide not less than six (06) months’ notice in writing to the other. Article 3. Contact persons Both sides agree assign contact person for this MoU: For VNUHCM - University of Science: • Assoc. Prof. Ngo Dai Nghiep – Head, Office of External Relations Email: ndnghiep@hcmus.edu.vn • Office of External Relations Email: internationalrelations@hcmus.edu.vn For [Partner’s name]: • Name - Position Email: Article 4. Others The MoU shall be written into two (2) identical copies in English, each party keeps one copy. Hereupon, the signature of the representatives VNUHCM-US and [Partner’s name] will follow in hope of promoting mutual friendship and goodwill. VNUHCM – University of Science [Name of Partner] Vietnam [Country] Assoc. Prof. Tran Le Quan Name President Title Date: Date: 2