Mẫu biên bản cấn trừ công nợ tiếng Anh

docx 2 trang bienban 24/09/2022 25620
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  • docxmau_bien_ban_can_tru_cong_no_tieng_anh.docx

Nội dung text: Mẫu biên bản cấn trừ công nợ tiếng Anh

  1. SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independent – Freedom - Happiness , Date / / ANNEX OF SALE CONTRACT No.: This is signed between: PARTY A: Address: Represented by: - Director Hereinafter called: the seller PARTY B: Address: Represented by: - Director Hereinafter called: the buyer PARTYC: Address: Represented by: - Director Hereinafter called: the assigned personal partnership payer This comes into effect the first annex of the signed contract between Part A, Party B and Party C on the following terms and conditions: I. IMPLEMENTATION VALUE
  2. The sale contract of dated with value: dong. Total implementation value in this annex is dong ( Say Vietnam dong: dong). II. PAYMENT TERMS Party C agree to complement amounts dong to Party A which Party B has not paid for Party A yet. III. GENERAL TERMS - This Annex is an indispensable part of the signed Sale contract of , dated / / Other terms and conditions attached to the said contract, but not mentioned in this Annex still remain validity until the expiration day. - This annex is made in 03 (three) copies of equal value, each hold 01 (one) copy, and comes into effect since the signing date. For and on behalf of Party A For and on behalf of Party B For and on behalf of Party C (Sign, full name and stamp) (Sign, full name and stamp) (Sign, full name and stamp)